Friday, June 12, 2015


Trusting, Grateful, Inspired Fridays

BrenĂ© Brown in "The Gifts of Imperfection,” has inspired me to write a TGIF post each Friday: Trusting, Grateful, Inspired Fridays, to help me be more intentional about bringing joy back into my life after experiencing stillbirth.  What is your TGIF?  

Happy Friday and I hope joy is part of your day.

For this week, here is my TGIF: 

I am trusting that I will become whole again.  I think.  I may need a little convincing on this one…just when I feel like I’m getting to be more whole, I get broken all over again and have to try to put all the pieces back together.  Or maybe that’s just it…maybe I’ll never quite be whole again.  

Let me rephrase: I am trusting that I will feel more whole again.  I'll live a full and meaningful life, even if I won't be completely whole again. 

I am grateful that 159 out of 160 babies are brought into this world alive and ready for the wonderful life that lies ahead, including my brand new twin niece and nephew.  Thank goodness they arrived safely. 

I am inspired by Sharon who writes a blog called Run-Hike-Play.  I love that she shares her love for the outdoors with her children and takes them along on her running and hiking adventures.  Encouraged by her and a good friend; Josh, Riley, and I will be doing a soul hike up Mt. Tammany this weekend.  As always, we’ll carry Quinn’s spirit with us too.  This is the perfect soulful, bonding, and challenging adventure our family needs right now. 
Today's TGIF reminds me of a recent daily inspiration

Take a small step every day
Just take a small step today, and another one tomorrow.  Some days they can be really big and other days they can be really small, and that's ok.  Each step helps you travel toward healing and gives you practice walking your new road.

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