Monday, April 25, 2016


My heart breaks when I hear of another mother who has joined the baby loss community.  It is not a community any of us wanted or asked to be a part of.

My neighbor informed me of the stillbirth of her colleague's baby, Nicholas.  I wish I knew her story to tell, but I do not.  In honor of baby Nicholas, I dedicated a run yesterday to him:

Stillbirth run dedication - Nicholas

Dear bereaved mom,

As one bereaved mother to another, let me say, my heart is holding you tight.  I’m sorry you know loss in this way and I am sending love and healing your way.  I have so many wishes for you – the biggest one being I wish more than anything you could have brought Nicholas home in your arms instead of in your heart.  I wish you strength and courage as you face the journey ahead.

I dedicated a run to Nicholas this past weekend on Sunday April 24, 2016.  I ran through the beautiful trails in Mercer Meadows, carrying Nicholas’ memory tightly in my heart.  It was the most beautiful, crisp spring day, and it was truly my honor to run for Nicholas.  I was so struck by these bright yellow flowers and loved how they were adding so much color and light to the field.

I wish there was more I could do or say.

If you ever want to talk or cry, please do not hesitate to reach out.

Holding you in my heart,

About run to heal:
I run to heal.  It’s where I learn to hold my grief in my heart as love.  It’s where I practice putting one foot in front of another.  It’s where I honor Quinn and other babies who are gone too soon from stillbirth, miscarriage, or neonatal death.  In preparation for my first 
Mother’s Day as a parent to both a living and dead child, I asked my friends and community to dedicate a workout to Quinn.  This was a powerful, soulful, and healing experience.  I felt lifted up and loved by the community.  I was humbled that so many people carried Quinn’s spirit with them.  I hope to accompany others on their journey after child loss and hold them and their son or daughter in my heart.  It is an opportunity for me to honor their child and learn their story.  Together, we will learn how to put one foot in front of the other and run to heal.  Dedicate a run here

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