Friday, August 7, 2015


Trusting, grateful, inspired Fridays

BrenĂ© Brown in "The Gifts of Imperfection,” has inspired me to write a TGIF post each Friday: Trusting, Grateful, Inspired Fridays, to help me be more intentional about bringing joy back into my life after experiencing stillbirth.  What is your TGIF?  

Happy Friday and I hope joy is part of your day.

Here is my TGIF for this week:

I am trusting that somehow, Riley will reap the benefits of being a sister and having a sister even though Quinn died.  I cherish my brother and sister, and it crushes me that Riley’s experience of sisterhood will be different and untraditional.  I trust that she’ll somehow find a connection with Quinn and will learn that she is and has a sister. 

I am grateful for my sister.  She totally gets it.  She has a wonderful gift of connecting with me and many other people on so many levels.  She’s caring, kind, and understanding.  I couldn’t ask for a more terrific sister. 

In fact, my whole family, including my brother and two sister-in-laws, are awesome and super supportive.  My dream is for us to all live in a neighborhood next to each other, instead of spread out across the country. 

I am inspired by my sister who is raising 3 beautiful children, has an esteemed job, and still makes time for learning new skills and doing things she enjoys.  An inspiration.

Sister quote

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